Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The Creative Lunch

So I decided to start a weekly tradition for Creative Fruit, and I am going to call it "The Creative Lunch", It will be short little posts about creative yummyness. Usually I will be writing these during my lunch, I promise I will try not to type with my mouth full. Remember lunch is about conversation too, so don't just sit there and feed your face comment back!

So what's on the menu for Creative Lunch Today?

All creative people require inspiration. Whether you are a graphic designer, Illustrator, photographer, or writer. The Web is a breeding ground of new ideas and collaborative resources. Use your search - look around, check out what other creatives are doing.

When you find that source of inspiration you will know it! It feels like this... but on the inside.
Until we have Creative Lunch again remember chew then swallow, not the other way around.

Please comment and let me know what inspires you today!


  1. Great blog idea. Here's my latest source of inspiration... I stopped and picked up some new paper samples while at a function hosted by a paper company yesterday. It's been a long while since I've really looked at new paper and I have to say just feeling some of the paper stock that is available now inspired me to start work on a new self-promo piece (something I normally dread and will put off ad infinitum, even though I really need something to hand out at networking functions or send to prospects). Sometimes it doesn't take something totally new to inspire, just revisiting a place or experience you haven't been in a while can do it.

  2. So true. Just the other day I was out with my mom and my kids. We were in a craft store and they had a huge display of scrapbooking papers right at the door. I'll probably never even consider scrapbooking for any reason whatsoever, but I bought 20 pieces because they were incredible and just standing there looking at the rack I was getting tons of ideas for these great patterns and textures.

  3. i also like the textured papers for inspiration. inspiration is a funny fickle thing. some days i just walk outside and see a pretty leaf and feel inspired. others i look and look and don't get that warm fuzzy feeling. it's all about attitude and how open you are to it.
    cool idea. i think i will be back often.
